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Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 70: Learning Rubik's cube

Suh dude,

We are struggling to find English speaking investigators. Nisha is continuing to come to church every week. There are two hang ups at with her. She hasn't yet received an answer about the Book of Mormon. Number two is that she lives with her sister and she's hesitant to give her permission to get baptized. My English classes in Lajpot and in Pitampura were great. We had fun award ceremonies in both classes. I'm excited to be teaching in the next 10 week cycle.

This past week I was a part of two very powerful lessons. The first was with Elder Basil's investigator Pearl. They needed us their to have a third male present. The lesson was awesome. She speaks really good English and she has a great understanding of our teachings. The second lesson was a lesson that we had with our recent convert sister Bhavana. Elder Sigamani was our third male for that lesson. It was awesome to be able to teach simply as well as have her testify of the knowledge that she has.

So this past week Elder Basil taught me how to solve the Rubik's cube. So I guess that's one more thing that I can put on my resume. Today the gym was closed so we just did some ab ripper x in the apartment. All of us in the apartment went out to eat at a South Indian restaurant for lunch. Tonight for dinner one of our members invited all of us missionaries over for dinner. We are probably going to have chicken curry. The mother in this family is 9 months pregnant and she reminds me of a younger version of my mom (no offence mum). In return us missionaries are leading the family in Family Home Evening.

Tomorrow is zone conference with Randy D. Funk. I'm excited for more training and the best part is that lunch will be provided. SCORE!

Also it rains everyday at 3pm. I had to buy an umbrella last week.

Elder Dusara