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Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 9: Two month mark in the field - GO CAVS!

Volleyball was a blast this past Wednesday. I'm actually getting better and I think I'm ready to submit some highlights of me to D1 schools. Today is going to be our district's first day of playing basketball. One of the elders in my district has a pair of LeBrons so I'm curious to see if he plays up to the standard.

My new companion is Elder Summers. He's from Bluffdale, Utah. He's very laid back. He's been out about 8 months and him and I both listened to the same rap music before our mission. I'm looking forward to this transfer.

Service this past week we helped and investigator take out a stump. Then we helped the Asplund family move dirt into there backyard to prepare it for new sod. Here's some pictures of us and of their backyard. 

This past week I've been taking Elder Summers around to meet some of our investigators and also stopping by our awesome members. We had 2 investigators at church yesterday and it was probably the best testimony meeting that I've ever been to. We also saw a less active couple at church that we had met about 2 days before. It's great to see little victories that make everything all worth it.

The weather should be in the 90's this week. Hopefully I'll remember to put on sunscreen. All is good in Templeton! I love it here and I love my ward!

Moving sod in Templeton