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Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 44 & 45: Working with others and the strength of visiting members weekly

Ajay mentioned that he is in Dwarka for the next little while.  We understand that he has been made a zone leader, which means that there are about 8-10 missionaries that he is responsible for to help succeed. Many of the members of the Dwarka branch live on less that $200USD per month.

My area stayed about the same as last week. We are continuing to teach lessons with Dileep, Talwars, and Anju. The past two appointments that we've had with Anju she's cancelled on us at the last minute. We are hoping that we don't have that same story this week. We have seen more effective lessons when we have a member present. These past two weeks we've found that our numbers are now becoming more well rounded.

I went on an exchange with Elder Mall a couple days ago. Elder Mall is from the Beaverton, Oregon area. I went into his area. One of the strengths that he has is that he's great at setting up appointments for the day as well as being punctual with those set times. We both had a good time talking sports and teaching powerful lessons together. We also had a great time eating at Chillis and McDonalds.

I would like to take a quick moment to talk about being a full purpose missionary in Dwarka. The Dwarka branch is like a big slab of clay. It has a lot of potential. The Branch relies heavenly on us missionaries to do our visits to members. I'm not exaggerating that either. Our branch still doesn't have have it's members doing there visiting or home teaching. If  missionaries let off at all from our visits then we will see the sacrament attendance drop. In each of our visits to members we do our best to train them on how to better fulfill their calling. I know that if we continue to do so then this branch's structure won't only be stronger but larger as well.

Elder Dusara
Sharing Five (5) gum with the kids

Workout with pollution mask at the gym

P-day in Delhi

Time for a massage

attending a house warming

Some of the other missionaries

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 43: Success in Dwarka, other ways to help with service

In my area we picked up three new investigators.We had two investigators at church as well. We had about 89 people at church and 5 people in the "Ye Shall Have My Word" class. The students in the class are really enjoying the class. I can definitely see the potential with this class and its' students. This week we are also hoping to continue to teach the Talwar couple. They have been gone for business for the last 2 weeks. Our goal with them for this week is to set them with a baptismal date.

Elder Mungamuri is doing great. He's very much anxious to hear the transfer calls. He seems to be well adjusted to the missionary life. One of his major strengths is that he's very good with calling members and non-members to invite them to church or any other events. Elder Mungamuri during a lesson talked about how Abraham Lincoln went from being poor the President of the United States. When he said it I looked over at him and started laughing because I didn't expect him to talk about him during our lesson.

Being a full purpose missionary isn't just teaching people. It's going and finding those people who may be lost in the metro and helping them find where they need to go. To be a full purpose missionary we must ALWAYS be looking for ways to help others around us. We also must never ignore any promptings that we receive.

My district is solid. Things are always getting better. This morning we all traveled to Pitumpura to play sports with others in our zone. It was a lot of fun for everyone because there was so many games. I finally was able to slid on my Lebron James shooting sleeve with my Steph Curry t-shirt. I also brought my soccer cleats and went Messi on them.  All is well in the growing Dwarka Branch. We will be getting transfer calls tomorrow night and I imagine myself staying.

Elder Dusara

Pollution mask 
New friend

Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 42: Teaching the English class and KFC this week

There wasn't a whole lot of growth in my area this past week. We are continuing to teach the new members lessons to all of our recent converts. But I did receive word that one of my investigators in 4th Branch was baptized back on the 24th and confirmed yesterday.

I would like to speak about English really quickly. The "Ye Shall Have My Word" class went really well. It's a new class that missionaries teach during second hour. It is for members of the branch that speak little to no English to help them better understand gospel stories. There was 5 people that attended this class. I tried my best to use all those teaching tools that Sister Tamong was showing us. The WHOLE class was participating and they were all helping each other out whenever they had questions. I can defiantly see the potential that these students have. I also told them as motivation that I will try to bring them treats ever week (except for fast Sunday of course).

Elder Mungamuri is doing well. Yesterday him and I had a growing experience where I felt that our companionship grew drastically. Before that experience I didn't really feel that we meshed all too well. Now we are getting along and laughing constantly.

My district is doing well. Elder Muthyum and Prabhudas had two confirmations yesterday. But we all had a very good dinner appointment where we all shared stories and many laughs.

This past month I'm pretty sure that I was KFC's number 1 customer with a total of 11 visits. I plan on going back for lunch today too... I'm excited to hear back from everyone. I love you all!

Elder Dusara

Styling with pollution mask